Good job on your prayer Plant! it iS alive and well.
The prayer plant loves humid air, in fact, it needs it in order to not have crispy leaf edges. That's the price to pay to keep this diva looking good. Its soil needs to be kept moist, only the top soil can dry out slightly between waterings. It doesn’t tolerate direct sun but rather likes medium or even low light. Low light doesn’t mean no light though. Don’t forget to fertilize it regularly.
Looks like you got most of it right, well done you!
The plant has grown well and now it's time to plant it into a new pot with new soil.
How can You tell it'S time to repot yOur plant?
These are some of the cases in which your plant might benefit from repotting:
Grown foliage: The plant has grown so much that it looks like it's bursting out of its seams. In this case, check the roots! (see below)
Root growth: The roots are peeking out of the holes in the bottom of the pot and the pot feels tight. If you can remove the plant from the pot you see masses of roots. Some plants like being root bound like this though.
Not happy with little room: The plant looks sad even if you water it correctly. It might not be able to use the water or nutrients if the roots don't have enough room.
Root rot: The leaves are turning yellow, the plant is dropping leaves. If this is the case smell the soil to find out if it might be moldy. This could be a sign of root rot due to overwatering. You need to remove the rotten roots and change the soil.
How will you repot your plant?
Also here you might have several alternatives for a good result.