Congratulations, you made it to a plant nursery!

Here are the plants you can choose from.

snakE planT

Solid. Not many ways to kill, but enemies do exist. And let me tell you, they are mortal.

snake plant

praYer Plant

Gorgeous, but it comes at a price. Want to find out if you can pay that price?

prayer plant

waX Flower

It will happily thrive as long as it gets plenty of *blank*blank* and doesn’t have *blank*blank*. You find out what the blanks are!

wax flower

Jade planT

It has been said to bring good luck. Well, good luck not killing it. Just kidding, not easy to kill unless it notices that you care too much.

jade plant

maIden hair fern

Can be simple but you have to know how to keep it simple. Hmmm. That's not simple, is it?

maiden hair fern

Choose carefully. Your success depends On how well yoU can meet your planT's needs!